IRS Deadline Extension To April 18th!

The traditional IRS filing deadline of April 15th will not apply in 2017.  Instead, many Americans will get an automatic 3 day extension on their taxes.

April 15th falls on a Saturday this year, and Uncle Sam does not allow the deadline to fall on the weekend.


Monday April 17th happens to be the observance of Emancipation Day, a legal holiday in Washington D.C. This creates a 3 day weekend for many federal workers, including the IRS.

That brings us to Tuesday, April the 18th as the official tax filing deadline.  However, this deadline only applies to those who OWE money to the IRS this year.

For many Americans receiving tax refunds in tax year 2016 and filing in 2017, your deadline is actually April 15…of 2020. If you are due a refund, the government is not in a hurry for you to file your tax returns.  The catch is that you forfeit your refund if you don’t file within 3 years.

If you are part of the masses who owe the IRS money in April, we have 1 more tip for you. Filing an extension does NOT mean you can delay your payment.  It is only an extension to file your taxes.  You are still expected to estimate your tax burden within 10% and pay it by April 18th.