specializes in helping you find a car during tax season. Use part of your tax refund as a down payment. Dealerships that work with Drive Now Network understand that you will also expect to get money back from your tax return in addition to helping with your down payment.
How do I get a car with my tax refund check? Most Drive Now Network dealerships offer the Bring Your W-2, Drive Home Today service. Bring your photo ID, Social Security Cards, and W2 forms to a Drive Now Network car dealer, and your representative will have your taxes prepared with Tax Max.
Who is Tax Max? Tax Refund Services operates the Tax Max program and is celebrating their 20th tax refund season this year. Filing your taxes with Tax Max will save you an average of $200 on your tax preparation fees.
Am I only able to use tax money for a car out of my tax check, or can I use my anticipated tax refund check to buy a car now? Both! Your Drive Now Network dealership can help you with a number of different options that allow you to use your tax refund for buying a car.
Most Drive Now Network car dealerships will calculate your upcoming tax refund check and sell you a car using a tax refund advance. This is why we are the Drive NOW Network.
You do not need to wait for your W-2 forms to purchase a car. With, you can buy a car today using your last paycheck stub. Save money when buying a car AND save money when filing your taxes.
Enter your information on and a quality car dealership in your area will contact you in no time. You will be on your way to buying a car using your tax refund or be in line for a tax refund advance to buy a car at tax time.